Call Simulation with WebRTC

This demo will show how to use Jabra SDK with the WebRTC framework. WebRTC allows you to add real-time communications capabilities to your application. Together with the Jabra SDK you have all the tools you need to create a web-based softphone.

When starting a call, the demo will match the connected Jabra device with the browser's device list, and then start an audio stream. The stream is sent via an RTCPeerConnection to a remote peer and played back. For demo purposes both local and remote peer is within the same web page. When in a call, you should hear your own voice with a slight delay. Pressing action buttons will trigger related commands in the Jabra SDK and on the RTC-peers.

Out of scope for this demo: handling device buttons, integrating with a "real" remote peer, handling incoming call and saving state between calls. See Call state demo for how to work with state.